Monday, March 10, 2014

3/9/2014 a Sleepless, Busy Day of Good Things, and Debbie Progress Report

I had terrible insomnia last night. 
equal parts discomfort in my skinned shin (from the fall), anxiousness at there being a not-terrible but noticeable pain in my left thigh... when that happens, anxiety sinks deep for concern of damage from that bloody fall... but I would think ( and so did my doctor) that anything that was actual damage to the joints would have been painful and apparent immediately after the fall, not a week after. 

It is a bit of a setback, not for damage (except the shin) but I need to keep it elevated (the left foot is swelling a lot from it) and that means being on it less - and since I've had the show and work, I'v ebeen up on it, so PT walks have not happened this week. 
That is a little discouraging, but when it starts to get to me, and I try to examine it, not huge. 
I should hear from my PT for a couple of new appointments soon. 

But that's why (along with my long suffering bum) I was unable to sleep last night - perhaps also due to the knowledge that I was losing an hour with Daylight savings, and there was a cast get-to-know you breakfast generously thrown by our director this morning - at 9am. 
Before a matinee. (Actors don't do 9am on Sundays - especially when there's a matinee that afternoon.)
I was grateful to make the exception, and it was lovely to meet everyone and great fun!

The, off to the theatre with coffee on board, and only a few times did I have to will myself not to nod off on stage!! We site through the whole show on a platform/stair landing  at stage left, at the ready tp play throughout the show, and we are almost always well-lit. So - nodding off is VERY bad form.
Came home and took about a 2 hour nap, in the light of the early DST evening.

I had a nice chat with Debbie about her preogress, a week after her replacement- 
*** Here is something hip replacement patients should know to deal with, should it arise :
Her weekend home physical care visit was not good. The PT who came was a bully. She made Debbie to a sideways motion that she was NOT ready fr at 6 days out from surgery! - and when Debbie told her it was painful and she couldn't do it yet, and that no other PT had had her do it yet, the PT CALLED HER A LIAR. 
Debbie's daughter was about ready to eject this person from their house, and she will not be back. Know this - YOU CAN FIRE HEALTH CARE WORKERS. They do NOT always know the best, and if you feel that they are not following the treatment that your good nurses, PTs. Dr.s etc have been taking in your healing, you can fire them and get a new one. It is your choice - YOUR body and life! Debbie knew that and it's handled thank goodness, but I was reminded that people should know that. 

*** Her other Important issue was this: She had fibromyalgia, and some other joint issues and has been on low-dose maintenance Norco(Similar to Vicodin) for it for some time now. Well, that increases your tolerance, and the Norco they gave her for the surgery wasn't good enough - she was having some seriously bad pain, which makes it so she was hurting too much to do her Physical Therapy. 
They took her to the ER, where they changed her medication to Dilauded. Now, I had never had anything stronger than Ibuprofen in my life before surgery #1, so when they gave me dilauded after surgery #1, it was MUCH too much and I was too woozy and nauseous to stand up the first day. I asked them, and they changed it ti Norco 10, and the next day, also at my request, they changed t down to Norco 5. They can and will taylor your pain medication to you. 
I was lucky Norco did not make me vomit. I was of it in a week for the first surgery, and about 11 or 12 days after the second one (which had a much longer surgery - 5 hours - sure to my hip deformities). 

By the way - Debbie's hip replacement took about AND HOUR! Really impressive! she went in at 7pm and was out about 8! everyone is a little different. Average seems to be 2.5 hours, - my two hips with dysplasia were 3.5 on the left, 5 on the right. He had a lot of sculpting work to do. 

OK - that hour of sleep and 2 hour nap is telling on me - and o, lord - tomorrow I have work an dor first rehearsal for A New Brain.

A nap might be preferable. but this is what I do. ANd hey, everything is physical therapy, right?!? I'll keep my left foot elevated for the read-through.

Good night.

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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!