Monday, March 24, 2014

3/23/2014 Striking the set, moving forward...

This morning I need to get going, and after breakfast, I had to hustle. So - a quick shower - the first one standing up the entire time, comfortably, easily. Foot up on the side of the tub, no unusual effort. Balancing - easy, nearly effortless. 

Today I decided that, because of the ongoing swelling - a combo of more activity on my feet and the scrape on my left shin  causing a LOT of swelling - I would try ibuprofen, just some of the time. It inhibits bone growth, and I don't want that, but I DO want and need to bring down the swelling in my ankles and feet, and pain/creakiness - which is fairly low, but somethings worse than others. 

The Ibuprofen helped a bit with swelling, but I could REALLLLY feel the difference in pain reduction! I didn't need my cane to move around the theatre, up and down the stairs was fine, totally fine - and with a second dose after the show it continued to be great! 
I was reveling in walking the hals of the theatre smoothly, no limp, no pain, little effort. 
I will be tempted to use more of the Ibuprofen, but I want to really keep it low. 
Maybe an afternoon dose before rehearsal and physical therapy, and using Tylenol in the morning and, if i need it, at bedtime. 
I love the pain-relieveing effect it has. but I will not over use it. Bone growth is essential, and I'm eating foods high in bone-growth promoting properties. 

Closing the show was really bitter sweet. It's good to be doing only one show again. and now I can concentrate on learning the music for the new one, A New Brain. 
But  - here's my Facebook status today: 
"It keeps coming back to me in little happy zaps - today I'm closing my first show back on stage since the whole hip replacement thang. Just being onstage, focusing on what the role needs, not " how will i get across this stage with a minimum of pain?? " 
There have been a few little challenges along the way - finding a chair arrangement that was comfortable to sit on for an hour at a time (thanks, Luther Hanson!), big wooden stairs :} etc. - but that's all part of the process! I've loved these days and nights spent on Cannery Row with its wonderful denizens on and off the stage, and it will always hold a huge, very special place in my heart. Thanks, thanks, and ever thanks, Christine Nicholson. You were so right, and I love you.
Here's a toast to The Row with a pint of Old Tennis Shoes!
'Goodnight Sweethearts, Good night!' "

Now it is over, and we "struck the set" - that is theatre terminology for breaking down the stage set and putting it all away. Cordless screw guns are employed, many heavy things are lifted and moved about, props and costumes are restored to their rightful places if borrowed, and laundry is prepared... 
And we all hug fiercely and go about our  post-show evening. 
What I do to keep away post-show blues, is to make plans on the next day that would have been a performance day - in our case, Friday, and the rest of the weekend. 
It goes a long way in alleviating the feeling that "I'm supposed to be somewhere right now".
Because post-show blues are no. Damn Fun.  What a lovely little band of merry actors. 

This production has a magnificent, golden place in my heart forever. Gratitude overflows. 

I'm SOME kinda tired. 
So - I'm off. 
Cheers, dears! 

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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!