Sunday, March 2, 2014

2/19/2014 Tired and sore, but all is well.

Note - this somehow wasn't posted - I just found it in the Drafts - so it's out of order, I'll fix it later, but just in case you were wondering... :} 

I am so tired. Medicating a sick kitty late at night after work , then rehearsals every night can be exhausting. 
But she's getting better every day - wonderful! She's got a great appetite - exactly what we want and need! 

Rehearsal was LONG. almost four hours sitting on a stool- on metal sitzbones. Oh, dear heaven. I have a little round pillow I need to hunt up and then rig to the top of the stool so it doesn't fall off. It's easy, I just need to do it. My bum feels a little like early stage of hamburger.

But the rehearsal went well, we worked a good bit of music with scenes - exactly what I was hoping would happen! Hooray! 

Unfortunately, my ankles are sweeling a LOT sitting on that damn stool. More than they have in months. My PT said it's not too bad a thing and understandable - but I;ve had my pretty and healthy little slim ankles back for months now, and it's frustrating when they ballon up like this. Drinking more water would probably help. 

I walked almost completely without the cane today - including out to the car from the theatre! I was thinking I wished I had it, but it sure is nice to just carry things in my hands instead of having to strap them around me in various ways. So I just walked. Better every day. 

The young woman who was attached after reharsal last ws doing well. Not too traumatized, fortunately. Thank goodness her mother drove around the corner just as the guy punched her in the stomach and knocked her to the ground - round on the sidewalk in from of the school. Well-lit - nice neighborhood... we do get so used to our little safe Theatre bubble.  The policy has been re-instated - no one, male or female, walks out alone. 

I am going to go have a small snack and ice, and get my sore butt to bed. 

Sweet dreams! 

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