Let's see...
Not enough sleep. Ugh.
Pretty decent work day, anyway. My Physical Therapist kicked my butt a bit yesterday afternoon -a good thing, but, ui... I'm fairly stiff and sore, but you can bet I'm a bit stronger. That's what it's all about! (NOT, contrary to popular belief, the Hokey Pokey. Though I must say, I am now fully capable of putting my right foot in and putting my right foot out.)
Worked on my complex music for A New Brain at lunch in the beautiful sunshine under the blooming wisteria - I love wisteria.
Approaching the end of the work day, just having had my "afternoon half-cup" of coffee... I normally do not drink caffeine after about 2pm - it makes heart palpitations. Harmless enough, but why push it? And they are creepy. But right now - these two or so weeks - the afternoon half-cup is a necessity.
This weekend we close Cannery Row, after four shows in three days. It's not physically rigorous for me, but tiring just the same.
Tonight there is a cast party for this big crazy cast and crew, and the Playwright, who is in town for the weekend, will join us! He'll be here for the show on Sunday for a talkback - It's an amazing opportunity, and we're all pretty excited. I hope we have a nice full house for it!
Did I mention I'm reaaaaalllly tired? I do wish that these two shows, which magically offered themselves to me as I was just beginning to get well enough to look up and think, "OK... so when am I getting back on stage?!? And will people have filled in the hi=ole that I temporarily left? The one that echoed. "I'll be back really soon! Please remember me for your production!!!" - I wish they were a bit further apart. That's all, but then no use wishin'! Right?
It is what it is, as they say - they are when they are, and I am grateful for them, indeed. The stage is my home - it is where I feel the most confidant, respected and able, and I love being with my theatre people. I just need a nap. Or six.
No rest for the wicked, so in a few minutes I head home, feed my cats, heat up the last of my corned beef and cabbage for dinner, scurry off to the theatre, after which is the cast party... and the matinee tomorrow, and dinner and an 8pm show and a matinees Sunday with the following talk back - and maybe a brunch with friends from out of town.
Yep. I neeeeed a nap. Or twelve.
Evening update - the show went well, and the playwright was here and enjoyed it!
We had a short cast party (Smart - as we have TWO shows tomorrow) and I came home to talked to a friend across the world.
And I'm meeting folks for brunch at 10 - yee haw!
I really like my life! :)
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