Thursday, March 6, 2014

3/6/2014 Random thoughts

Not a lot today... work was work... I got around pretty well, getting past the fall pains. Had a chair massage today - that's a good thing.
The big scrape on my shin from Saturday's fall is deep for a scrape, and very red around the edges. I hope that is just the less deep part of the scrape, and not any infection. It's only been a few days and I have cared for it well. Infection is BAD. NO infections. It's not inordinately warm.  I'm not being a hypochondriac - I am being smart and cautious. 
Once my surgeon and PT and Chiropractor all assured me that it looks like I did NOT damage the hips in the fall, I knew I was OK. I just want to be sure I'm OK, and take very good care of this machine that is my body, even more machine than before ;) 
So when you hear me musing/wondering/being concerned about physical issues, that's what it is. 

Had a brushup rehearsal  - the guitarist was just a pain in the butt all night, and I wanted to smack him... but in the big picture, it's fine. 

Another show tomorrow night. 

The chilli I made is tasty. 

I am tired of being tired... but there's life. I want to do what I love, and it involves getting less sleep. This life I'm getting back - it's good because it's full! 

When I got home, I had to park the farthest I've had to in many months - and it was fine. physically, it was no big deal. 
I do have a little bit of concern with safety - it's mostly fine in downtown Sacramento - veery nice, in fact... but now and then some scumhose decides to go on a serial mugging spree... so it's important to stay aware - but my street is well-lit and there re people around. 
My neighbors were out on their balcony and mentioned how amazingly well I was trucking down the street - he noticed how far I had to park, and was feeling guilty that he parked his new car in front - it was very sweet of him to even think of that! I assured him that I mam fine with a little walk - because everything is physical therapy! I really like my neighbors - very nice people. 

Debbie's doing very very well - she's home now, and it took a little adjusting to get the house set up just right, but her daughter let me know she's settling in. I have asked her, when she's feeling up to it  if she will write a little guest post here! I hope she will! 

OK - I think that's it for tonight. :) 

About to go put my feet up for a little bit and hit the hay ASAP. 


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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!