Friday, January 10, 2014

1/9/2014 A Roller Coaster Day, But New Landmarks, Just the Same

11:15 AM
It's now five weeks and two days past my second and last Hip Replacement Surgery. 

Time has done very strange things. I would swear that it's been at least two months, just from the way it feels, and how much life has gone on - the holidays make it feel busier, even though I was home through most of it... though I was definitely out and away from home more than for the first surgery. 
It feels as though my sister Toni was here longer than a month before heading North to visit our other sister, Pat when I was ready to be on my own. 
I'm thrilled that Toni's going to head back my way for a day or two, so I can show her the progress I've made in just the couple of weeks it will be by the time she returns! And we can actually go out and have a nice celebratory dinner and a drink, with her not having to do anything at all for me. Just sisters having a night out. 

I've just had a bit of contact with my lovely co-workers - Being home has had its advantages - and of course, it was a necessity for healing, but I am VERY ready to get back to work (collect a full paycheck again, as opposed to the diminished disability pay) and see those darling people with whom I share a workspace! 
They are really a spirited, fun, and hardworking lot, and I truly do love them. It was fun to see Facebook photos of a birthday celebration and have a little banter around it! 
I'm really looking forward to walking in, walking nice and straight, using the cane just for balance on Monday!! They have only seen me in pain for years, and on a walker since June. This isn't ego, but excitement!  It is another step into the Shiny New version of Mindful Normal that I have coming up!! 

A friend who has had a very dramatic and wonderfully successful journey into health and fitness while dealing with Muscular Dystrophy - through living the Paleo lifestyle including diet and rigorous, controlled exercise, challenged and inspired his friends today to step it up and dedicate to working toward their optimum health choices - I accepted gladly. Juggernaut Physical Therapy and increasing my exercise bike time every day, as well as my PT walk - which will soon just be "Going for a walk"!  
This is such an exciting time.
Now I need to move this same mindset toward the arts I practice, and every aspect of my life - and I am making progress! Life-long habits are a hard thing to re-make, but it's happen - thanks to a little (LOTTA! ) help from my Friends!! 

2:18 PM  
I've just texted with my wonderful Massage Therapist, Curt - Massage is off-limits after orthopaedic surgery, because of the risk of blood clots, especially while still on Coumadin/blood thinners. 
I went with my sister to Curt's office a few weeks ago - a gift to her for coming to help me through this post-surgery recovery. It felt funny to sit and wait in his office while she had her massage! It was great - I was happy for her! - but I really miss the great work he does. 
I look forward to booking a massage for next week - I'm very excited to get back to him (And to my Chiropractor), now that their treatments will have more effect than just keeping me mobile as I suffered through the deterioration of my hip bones! 
I will be booking an appointment with Curt for next week (As soon as I know when my rehearsal is for next week) .

6:40 PM
A hard afternoon. 
I watched the film War Horse - beautiful, emotional... 
A few minutes before it was over - I received a phone call that the father of one of my dearest friends has died. A man I have known since I was about 14. A good gentle, kind man. I didn't see him often, but when I did, he always welcomed me like family. It hit me more emotionally that I expected it would - my emotions are very high these days - but I don't know why I would assume that his death wouldn't be heart breaking. Rest in Peace, Dale. Thank you for being the best Dad David, Ed, Randy and Karla could have asked for. 

I managed to get myself dressed and shod and out for a walk. I can't let anything stop me taking care of myself, and I know Dale would have said, "Git yer butt out there, Martha! You've got work to do, and I'm fine now!" 
It was a shorter distance than yesterday - about a block - but it was my first walk after dark, and it was chilly and clear and refreshing. At least the last 30-40 feet were without the cane, and faster than I have walked yet. It *almost*, ALMOST felt as though I could break into a little run... but all in good time. 

I could use a giant hug, for a long time. These are the times when living alone is not at its best. Most of the time I enjoy it, but this is not one of them. 

2:06 AM - about to turn in - a few more thoughts... 
Had some nice conversations with friends on FB - much like a hug, and now plans for fun are afoot - feeling a little better. 
"Normal" is returning in a nice steady flow. 
I crossed my left leg ove right at the knee - another first-in-ages! It was a little stiff, but it worked! 
I did about 18 minutes on the exercise bike, and did some PT on the floor - soon I'll be steady and comfortable enough for that bubble bath I'm craving! 

A nice comforting grilled cheese sandwich as a late night snack, and that's a pretty good day, I think, over all. 

My last PT session is in the morning and I have to say goodbye to another wonderful person who has helped my get my life back! I'll miss Shawna - she was so instrumental in getting me back on my feet and in gear again. Physical Therapists are a special kind of person, and I am grateful for them, indeed. 

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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!