A fairly stressful day - getting back in the swing of it still, and then we strted to test our new web posting system. Of course, it's a rush, and of course, the web software site crashed, after 2 solids hours of hard work, and with about ten minutes to go to complete the task... dumping every bit of work I'd done.
I was not amused, but did pretty well blowing it off - It's not unimportant, it just does me nor anyone else any good to be upset about it. I made a good choice - not to be upset! I was a litle annoyed for a few minutes, but it wore off fast.
Home for half an hour for a quick dinner, then off to the theatre. It's on a school campus, so it was tricky to find parking, also not being sure exactly where in the very lage building we'd be entering from made it hard to pick a spot... I took one of the disabled spots in the lot, but it was a farther walk than just parking on the street would have been, *sigh*.
I was very, very glad to be so sweetly received by a bunch of the "kids" I've worked with there before - a lovely, lively bunch of sweet and hard-working actors. It feels WONDERFUL to be back wth "my people" :)
The band is going to be a delight to work with!
I actually did very little in the way of rehearsing - We had a breakout session to discuss community ( Cannery Row is very much about community), and then they did movement exercises onstage - I sat out. Then I met with the band for a bit - my friend Luther, lso the head of the theatre department, and w lovely man - will be on bass, and two young and extremely talented pups - Nathan, probably 19 or 20, on guitar, and Tylen, still in high school, on violin! All really great guys, and we're going to have a fine time putting together old 30's standard tunes.
We moved around the building a good bit, and it was a lot. after only two days of work, I can say it was too much. I'm not killed, but I am sore. I managed a few stretched of the Gluteus medius using the exercise band - but not much more.
I'll do more once I'm in bed - in a few minutes.
Three rehearsals coming up next week - It should be fine - it'll just be with the band and we should just be in the dressing room - not nearly as much walking around the building, and i should be better at it already by then.
I do need to get in touch with my PT and my surgeon's office to see about outpatient PT. I could use a few more sessions. I have a massage this Saturday and plan to make an appointment with my chiropractor (at long last, sing the first surgery in August!!!)
Right then - anything else?
Glad I can just come home from work tomorrow - no rehearsal( I do have to stop at the Co-op for cat food and fresh produce, but a quiet night at home will be perfect.
Off to bed.
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