Monday, December 2, 2013

A Last Hurrah in the Pre-hip Replacement Phase... and Christmastime thought...

I'm finding it hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day before the real, final phase of healing begins... that in FIVE DAYS I will be back home, all repaired! The time when I will be in seriously reduced pain, very soon to be pain free - let me repeat that -

I'm not counting the small aches and pains in my arthritic thumb joints (I do stretches and many things I can do to alleviate this much-smaller pain) or shoulder (Probably brought on largely by using a walker), stiff neck and daily things that are *not* disabling. These wee things are *nothing* compared to the intensity of the ground, crumbled hips I have experienced the last 6 or so years. Psh. Like a gnat, those things.

So, today, I decided to get some things done and have a bit of fun to have a bit of Christmas, when the usual Christmas festivities I celebrate will be out, while I'm at home healing. I have small hopes to attend an annual tea - but it's less than 2 weeks post-surgery. Who knows? But probably not. Toni and I will probably do something on Christmas - maybe go to my brother's - but aside from the small wreath we ut on the door an da length of cedar garland on the fireplace screen, not much. My best Christmas gift will be that shiny internal bling that allows me to walk again.
I had a kind friend, Jack, come and help me do final kitchen-stocking grocery shopping.
I went to the Rite-Aid and picked up my blood pressure prescription, which *should* mean that we can come straight home from the Hospital on Friday - no pharmacy stop (unless there's some new drug, but there should be no reason for it.) I also picked up a few little Christmas touches - small red glass ornaments and an extension cord for the lights for the garland.

And my friends David and Keith called to see if I'd like to use their extra ticket for "It's a Wonderful Life" at Sacramento Theatre Company. It is full of dear friends, and I had hoped to see it - so I was happy to accept!
I thought I might maybe also make it to hear my friend Zack play some swing near home, but that was a bit ambitious. :)
The musical was lovely, and my friends told the story beautifully - I was crying like  baby at the end... because it is a touching story, of course -
but also - because I found myself watching the last scene, where all of George Bailey's friends show up to bring him piles and baskets and hats full of money to save the Savings and Loan - giving up their vacations, moving, other needs to help their dear friend George out - and I swear  -I could see all of the beautiful, kind and selfless people who have been coming to my side to help in a million ways in the last several months, and in some cases, years.
Kind people, family and friends, most of the theatre folk, who gave me their time, braun, spent money, made wonderful meals, lifted that walker in and out of the hatch of my Rav, rolled me down the sidewalk for an adventure and laughs (That one will stick - "Oops" - as I tipped slow-motion, gently to the ground backwards... and it was HILARIOUS! no harm done, and a lifetime of laughs to come remembering it!) , and who made me laugh and gave me hope, advice, and, in every single instance -
Love. So much love it makes my head spin to know how incredibly fortunate I am to belong to this incredible community of kind people.
I got to hug them all after the show and tell them how much I appreciated their performance - I love when I get to see my Theatre Friends.
We went for a burger with Gary, a friend in the cast, and heard rehearsal stories, and shared stories and laughter... a good big day to tide me over...

Honestly, it is a true, true thing:

It's a Wonderful Life.

A wonderful life, indeed.

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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!