Thursday, December 19, 2013

12/18/2013 There is a Bit of an Emotional Roller-Coaster involved in Big Healing...

A bit of a darker moment in the night... 

I confess - though I try ( and often am able) to remain positive and cheerful, embracing the progress - sometimes it goes a bit dark for a little while.
There are times I am walking with the walker and I find it quite difficult to connect the current me, unable to put weight on the right knee and hip, with the me after walking happens.
The knee is still almost more painful than any other part of the leg, though the cartilage is very strong. The level is not super high, but i still am unable to put my weight on the right alone. 
I have only four allotted PT appointments left on my prescription.... I am nervous as to whether it is real that I can accomplish the task in so little time, or if i can accomplish it without her. 
I am hoping that she can write a recommendation to my surgeon that I need more PT...and that I'm covered for it. 
And that it helps. 

Late night musings.


Later in the afternoon.... looking up.

After my worries about my progress with toward walking, the good news is, I woke up in the middle of the night having bent my right leg about 45 degrees *and "frogged" out to the side, naturally, in my sleep for the first time! I was in NO knee (bursa) pain or hip pain. Hooray!
Slept fairly well, I'm sleeping longer and more deeply now, and my bum issue seems to be clearing up THANK GOODNESS.

A little heart to heart with my sister Toni, a few tears, and a big hug this morning, a lovely hot bowl of oatmeal with fresh apples, nuts, and cinnamon, coffee -- bit better.
Shawna my PT came for my appointment and helped me talk it through, even teared up a little with me - true empathy is much appreciated! And she assured me that she can recommend and schedule more PT sessions - if they are after January 1, I'll have to co- pay them, but I can manage that. In case I'm not actually walking yet. It could even mean another week off work, but if needed, that's ok. Work can spare me another week if need be.
My worry is much lessened. I try to be positive and hopeful, but sometimes there are dark moments. That's what your support crew is for!!!
We had a good walker walk down to the corner and back - I was pretty beat when we got back, but good PT . The focus was keeping my right foot in a straight front-to-back pattern, lifting it UP, breaking a years-old pattern of throwing it out to the side in the classic gait of hip dysplasia, since there is no strength and too much pain in a crumbled hip joint to lift it up properly in front of you. I did very well, and I'm beginning to get the sensation of the correct motion and pattern into my bones. The clouds were absolutely gorgeous, and it felt good to be outside.

Toni left to take a well-deserved night off, and my pal Graham came to stay the night. We had a lovely visit - it is important to get some friends over, with their news and different conversation, etc. as the time goes by, to help stave off cabin fever. We ate, visited, he updated me on his theatre  company and mutual friends, etc. we watched about four episodes of Dr. Who - great fun!

I got a text from my dear friend Christian that he can visit tomorrow! He lives in San Francisco, has a busy teaching schedule and I've not seen him in months- it will be wonderful to see him! My hair dresser is coming to wash my hair, but otherwise his timing is perfect! Graham leaves at 8am, and Toni will be home in the evening. I'm able enough to do a lot on my own, off pain killers and safe alone, but it is still great timing.

Being able to put my feet about an inch apart with my legs straight and even weight on both feet is wonderful!! 

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