Oh, I'm loving the progress and improvements!
This morning I was up and ready to go se Dr. Smith for my post-op appointment. A little coffee, a little pumpkin bread... A good PT session. Toni called and was excited for me!
Mariam was here at noon, and off we went! I only took the cane, the walker is done! I won't rule out the use of the four-wheeled walker in a special circumstance, but -I think before too long, I'll be ready to go solo all the time! That is the goal!
At the medical office, we got a wheelchair to take me to x-ray and up to Dr. smith's office because it was a lot of hallways.
X-rays went well ( thought the super-wide wheelchair they gave me was a challenge to get through the doors! I was able to get printouts and a cd with the images on them, too! I intend to to some kind of art project with them.
But once we got up to Dr Smith's office, I needed to walk in there with the cane! The first few steps are pretty stiff and sore, but that is what I will be working on with Shawna in PT.
So we went in and waited fir Dr. Smith while Christina got my charts up on the computer and i asked about her new baby... I heard his voice and as he walked in, i stood up good and straight and walked to him to shake his hand.:) he was pretty tickled, and gave me a great big hug. He's such a great, kind person, and the feeling that someone in his position is so kind, and truly cares about me and my healing as his patient is truly a gift.
We talked about when I should be ready to go back to work and how I am needing to get up onto my feet comfortable and stably. The original estimate was for January 6, which would have been the same as the first surgery. But this time, the surgery was much longer- it was five hours, so the muscles and more have taken longer to get back into place and heal. More pain and more numbness, and longer to get stringer.
Also, the first surgery recovery was not going for the full recovery, because the right hip was still so bad, painful and crumbled. We were going for the best possible, and I was still on the walker.
This time, we're going for the real deal, full recovery, up and walking without a major limp, getting the cane to be more of a balance tool than a support...
He gave me another additional week to really get up and functioning.
This will also let me have four more PT appointments with Shawna to really get me strong and address all of my issues, ensuring that I'm executing my body mechanics totally right.
Dr. Smith knows I'm no slacker, and I have to remind myself that it is actually OK to take the proper amount of time to heal and get strong!
I forgot to find out if I can drive now, but an email this afternoon confirmed that as long as I feel safe, I can.
I am definitely better for driving than I have been in the last year or more.
It's just walking - the weight on the hip and knee- that are not quite ready yet. So yes, it's ok to drive, and it's legit to beed time for walking safely.
Before I left, I gave Dr. Smith a card to thank him most sincerely, and let him know how profoundly he has changed my life. I enclosed an origami crane with an explanation of the symbolism of it. He appreciated it and even got a little emotional, too. It was kinda cool.
Another big hug, and we got me set up with my release letter for disability, and set a date for a followup set of x-rays and appointment to check my progress.
These are my Facebook updates today:
"Just home from my post- op appointment. Yay!!! This is my amazing surgeon Dr. Scott Smith- he's proud of me.

"Just confirmed it via email - forgot to ask my surgeon this afternoon, I was so happy! I am released to drive! So happy I can get myself around again. Now I get a little time to focus on walking properly and with ever-decreasing pain, and perhaps graduating from the cane. (Oh, and dancing. That needs to happen soon.) I am giddy with the Happy!"
Mariam and I went to Gunther's, enjoyed our ice cream, and back to get me home, ending in a walk to the corner, across the street, back up to cross to my apt.
I relaxed the afternoon, Toni called to hear about my appointment results and we celebrated over the phone.
My friend April brought a lovely dinner of frittata,, herb roasted potatoes, coconut cupcakes and a nice bottle of Malbec - my last Mealbaby.com meal! I'm on my own for cooking and such now, but there are lots of lovely leftovers in the freezer to keep me well fed for a week or more. We had a lovely visit, and I've been relaxing since. About time to get to bed.
The sore bum issue is flaring a little after the wheelchair today, I think. * sigh* shouldn't last too long.
One more good thing! I tried to recumbent exercise bike a little, very gently- i did about 4-5 minutes, and it felt pretty good!