OK - I'm getting back into the world.
I worked today, had an acupuncture appointment today. It was good to get a tune-up.
No rehearsal tonight... I've ben working on one of my trickiest songs. the lyrics repeat - almost - but not QUITE... a lot - and they are FAST.
I'm tired. My brain is on diminishing returns. I nailed the song several times, I have it down... then the lyrica started getting garbled and mixed up. Time to put it sown for a few hours.
I'm quite achey, too. I did a "sprint" on the recumbent bike yesterday - something I saw on Dr. Oz about exercising is fast bursts to get your heart over 140 BPM three times a week...
Don't know if it was that. but my joints hurt a good bit.
My damn calves al still are SO still and sore pretty much any time I get up..
slowly but surely.
I also had kind of a realization - don't laugh.. there is this thing in my head about getting my life back that thinks I'll just kind of be as strong as I've even been if I do my pt. Well, sort of.
I am being reminded that since I haven't really been able to walk to so anything sustained for so long - I am very very out of shape and slow and weak. Even though I AM recovering.
I know, Duh. SO - kind of re-calbrating and realizing that now I'm almost to the phase when the "normal" exercise has to start, and build. I can't climb that mountain by Lake Alpine yet.
I can't go dancing yet. I have to start walking - I haven't been doing the walks because of time, and because I now walk all over - but I need to FIND the damn time and start from there.
It's fine. I'm just tired. And "special" becasue I don't just get to be all better the way most hip replacements are. Oh, wahhhh... I'll get over it... already about am.
so here we go!
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