Thursday, April 10, 2014

4/10/2014 Cold/Flu is Subsiding... Progress, Still!

Feeling better... must remember not to over-do it, as with all healing.
Being off work and short rehearsals last night and tonight  helped - total rest would have been better, but I needed to learn some material, and it would be to stressful to have to catch up even more than I need to from previously missed rehearsals for Cannery Row performances.

I've been off work for three days - very rare - really rotten cold (Or flu as I suspect it might be after all).

Haven't entirely lost my voice, which is great - it's hard to avoid in a situation like this. But cheers to it!

I've been too sick to deal with home PT and had to cancel my PT appointment yesterday - the email didn't go through, and I'm glad I thought to call early in the afternoon, but I was very unhappy that it didn't go through, so Anne could re-schedule the appointment. Perhaps she was able to after all. 

Good things: at one point this afternoon, I felt a little blast of motivation/energy, and I was looking at the pile of clothes that have occupied the basket chair by my bedroom door for months and months and - considerably more than a year... because I as simply to immobile to deal with getting in and out of the closet to get to them. and I realized - I can get in and out of my closet with not one problem anymore. PUT THESE AWAY. And so I had a mad flurry of 'Hang it, hang it fold it, hang it..." grabbing hangers, popping them in superfast - 

Hear that?!? SUPER FAST! I broke a sweat! I can do things super-fast now. I amaze me sometimes! <Grin>
But I stashed a very large pile of clothes before realizing I was getting a bit winded and maybe a bit dizzy. Left a few more for another day, and then went into the kitchen to deal with the soup pot in the kitchen sink that I've been too sick to deal with. Washed, dried, stashed! a few other dishes washed or put into the dishwasher, too. 

THEN I sat down for a few minute's breather. God it feels good to do for myself. 

Also- I discovered that I can cross my left leg over the right much more easily - without using my hands to lift and put it there. 
Even more fun - for the first time, I checked to see if I can cross Right over left - at the knee - and you betcha, I can!! That was a new chuckle inducing discovery. 

Today is my friend Mariam's Birthday, and I am not very good at them. She is out of town, and I did manage some Happy Birthday love on Facebook, but time and budget make be really terrible, not doing what I would in another universe LOVE to do to lavish care on my friends.

Also - they are doing major work on the freeway a few blocks from my apartment, and being on the second floor, the noise is too much to leave the window open, during these first warm Sacramento nights. It will continue for ore than a month. At least I'm not as cloes as Mariam will be when she gets home (I dread it for her) or her friends upstairs who get it full-jackhammer in their windows, open or not.

Right, Back to work tomorrow, even though I'm not 100%...

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