It was a little tricky at home - I awoke very sleepy, and poor little Lexi was so tired of being poked to get fluids, and having pills forced into her mouth and such - I put her prednisone into her yummy wet food - she had scarfed it that way the night before - and this morning she completely turned tail and refused to eat it, and ran down the hall to hide under my bed. Once there, I can't get to her. So - hating doing it, but knowing that if I left her food out Maia would inhale it, and she is NOT on prednisone - I put it away and heavy-hearted (Knowing it would be about 9 hours before she'd be able to eat again, unless she wanted dry food, but she isn't eating it right now) left for work.
Work was pretty good, today - very busy, but I got a lot done - the organization is really starting to happen. But I started the day with sweet Valentine's treats from a wonderful friend at work, Katie.
Sometime in the early afternoon - this happened and I posted it on Facebook:
"There is a big grin on my face, for the latest "First Since..." I just went to the kitchenette to warm up my lunch, gauged meself, and decided that i could go cane-free for the 100 paces or so (about 200-ish yards) to and from. I did! Barely any pain, and Instead of a "limp", I'd call it "slightly favoring" my right leg. Such a simple thing- and I'm just giddy!!
This is a swell day! Think i'll go down to the company Valentine's day gathering without it, too! **giggling like a school girl**"
It was wonderful to finally take the push to leave the cane at my desk... I needed to carry my lunch back and it was a little too much stuff in one hand - but I felt ready. a BIG milestone!!! And everyone noticed IMMEDIATELY - which was kind of sweet. little celebrations all over the building. :)
An acquaintance commented to my happy status post, "Don't over do it! and did you know blah blah blah diatribe against PBS from a paranoid political conspiracy theory website or other..." This is the second time she's done that. If she wants to share something with me, just bloody do it in an original post - but do NOT pee in my punchbowl and bring negative BS into a celebratory thread. This is also the second time I've told her not to do it, and why I had deleted her post. If she does it again, I will delete her. I barely know her from high school or something. I am not an unkind person, but 1 - do not assume that my PROGRESS is over doing it - especially when I have been posting often about NOT over-doing it and finding the balance... and 2. don't put an inappropriate comment on my damn thread!!
Ui. She hit a soft spot. It's called Netiquette.
ANYway - it was a good day, with a charming Valentine's celebration with delicious and varied treats.
And I ate plenty of chocolate, as well as one of the crunchy and tasty bacon rose my co-worker made for her team mate.
Treats! I enjoy them occasionally!
It was Friday before a three-day weekend, Valentine's Day and the internet and the office were full of good wishes for love and happiness and chocolate - delightful. It felt good to head home!
Came home, fed Lexi- thank goodness she was ready to eat, and eat a lot! A relief. Made a nice little dinner and headed for rehearsal. It was a bit of a tough rehearsal, and I had to get a little firm with the boys - there are about a dozen instrumental breaks and segues in the show which I have nothing to do with, because I'm the *singer* - and they had no clue what to play. It was a little discouraging, as I had told them for the last three weeks, "Perhaps you guys should get together and organize and deal with these segues." none of them had even looked at them, and they were making all the same mistakes - clearly had not even looked at the music. I had a talk with the two younger guys - 15 and 20 - and told them it was time to take it seriously and get some outside practice in. If they don't know the piece, they needed to learn it. It made one of them very cranky, but I told him, "You don't need to get mad." After a bit he shook it off and it was fine. I just need him in particular to step up, and NOT do any improvising. *sigh*. I am puting together the cue sheet for us all, and they can put in some time too, dammit. That said, it's going to sound great and we're going to have a great time - this is just one of the things that needs to happen in the rehearsal process, especially with younger not-yet--disciplined performers (Though the 15-year-old is pretty mature and a great kid.)
Note to Self- REMEMBER the cushion for my stool onstage! oh, boy, it is interesting to sit on a hard surface - you can actually FEEL that your sitzbones are metal!!! I wonder if it gets to feels less that way? I think so - I think is already has lessened a LOT - but yes - I'll be bringing the donut cushion in from the car tomorrow.
We ended on a good note, and home again - where Miss Lexi ate another good serving of food with her prednisone in it. *whew*.
I have a borrowed scale to pick up at the theatre to weigh her daily and see how she's progressing. She is currently lighter than when she was taken in as a kitten to be spayed, at about 3-4 months. She is now two and a half, so that is very bad. Really hoping we can pull her through this. She is a sweet little purry fluffbutt, and I love her. (Her big beefy sister is snoring away a few feet from me, just now. )
I Realize that more and more of my posts are not about the hip replacement experience - but, remember, the majority of my blog title is My Life (Getting it Back)
And this is what my wonderful life is like!
(I will still be getting to the Recall issue - very soon).
I AM feeling the effects of not using the cane today - quite a bit of pain on the hip flexors - but it feels very much like "Working out" pain, not 'Over-doing" pain.
I am off to grab a little snack ( Rehearsals really are hard work, and I am ravenous) ice down a bit, and get some sleep before heading off to rehearsal tomorrow.
Good night, sweethearts!
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