I'm having epic fails at this post - it's the middle of the night - I just accidentally deleted ten minutes writing. Let me try that AGAIN.
Up late giving very sick kitty Electra food in small increments, and prednisone IN the food as well as appetite enhancing pills, and ringers lactate subcutaneously.
I'm determined to get her through this Pancreatitis and healthy again - she looks terrible and clearly feels like crap, but she still has some spark. I hope she pulls through - she is a little sweet heart.
Tomorrow or this weekend I will talk here about hip replacement recalls - to reassure you that no matter whet anyone tells you or what you hear - the hip you will receive in your surgery (If you are about to get one) is safe, and they pull recalled prostheses off the market immediately.
But it was because of a conversation with Jt about the subject wherein I stated my case when he brought it up - really, I think, looking at it in a fair and balanced way...
a good conversation! And then he called me feisty! :)
and I quote " Madjafeisty too!"
I told him that I'm bringing feisty back - and that hip prostheses are infused with a slow-release chemical, "Feistilin" :D
(That is a joke - for the record. They are just good metal and low wearing polymers. You're all good. and so am I !!!)
It was a fun conversation, and I really do feel my mojo flooding back!
That said - in the show I'm in, the band (I'm the singer) joined the actors onstage on our very col set today, and started the process of integrating into the actin that they have been rehearsing all these weeks while we worked on music in the dressing room.
It well fairly well, particularly for a first rehearsal with them.
The only thing is - I sit on a stool- the one i sat on was metal tonight... I will need a cushion, in a big way. My poor bum!!
I will lso be glad for the fact that the band is in character as part of the milieu of Cannery Row - I can stand up and stretch, lean over the edge of our platform, which is a great stair landing at the stage left side of the stage - they were thinking, and put a rail on the backstage stairs! :) I am truly grateful for that. It isn't always the case!
But OH, my achin' metal Sitzbones!!! ouch ouch. ANd with all the kitty maintenance, I really did not have a chance to ice. Wish me luck for tomorrow. VERY grateful that it's Friday - AND a three day weekend! Hurrah!
Oh! Another hip surgery person came into my circle! A friend's aunt broke a hip and is having surgery tomorrow. I was able to reassure her that I have not only experience with my planned hip replacements, but also my dear friend Deb's two broken hips (Cancer drugs/brittle bones.) I did not mention that Deborah died in October, as it was irrelevant to the issue - she died of brain cancer, not the hip surgeries. But, if they need some hand holding and reassurance, I am here for them to contact.
Every time I can help anyone to feel less fear and worry for themselves or a loved one, I feel that I am paying forward SO MCUH I have received in so many ways... and I know what it's like to get some good information and knowledge and suddenly feel encouraged and the fear falls away. This is awesome!
That's about all I've got. I'm an hour later at getting the lights out that I had truly hoped - but there it is.
G'night, luvs!
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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!