Thursday, February 13, 2014

2/11/2014 and 2/12/2014 general life goings-on and a little insight

12/11/2014 and 12/12/2014

It seems I've missed a few days here in the blogosphere! 

Let's see - yesterday - I worked, it went fine - things are starting to line up in order a bit more with my ne web platform and everyone's procedure. 

Came home and texted my frend Jt - we've been working on a cabaret for several years, and we have a new perspective on it sine all of this good life-changing stuff has happened  - so we have been trying to find time to sit and talk MUSIC - I love talking music with him - it is fn and intelligent and kind of magical. And we sing, and that's wonderful too. 
Turns out he was in town ( He lives in the hills)! I invited him to drop by if his evening's activities sent him my direction and lo and behold, he knocked on  my door around 8:30 or 9! a delightful visit! we spent plenty of time in frotn of the computer listening to music, and got very productively sidetracked listening to and translating a Fado song we both like. 
It turns out, in the way of the Portuguese and Fado in particular, to be a very dark song indeed - this one set to a very bouncy melody - quite deceiving, It was great to try and break down the translation - Portuguese doesn't translate easily, and Portuguese poetry/song lyrics? Ui! Very tricky, ad a real exercise in thinking in other patterns. VERY good for me, as most of my life is spent working in very linear ways (Particularly work). It was a diversion, but a very good one, and productive in less obvious ways. 

He was off at a decent hour, but for one reason and another I was not in bed until 3 - and then had to be up at 6:30. 

There was a bit of a snafu with the Veterinarian's office and my pet care friend and the person who was coming to pick up my litle sick Lexi for an ultrasound... I could have slept another hour or so - but there it is. 
However, I did actually chase Electra down and get her before she disappeared under the bed!! Anther FIRST SINCE... :D 

I was of work early for a dental cleaning - first time taking the Clyndimycin antibiotic (one dose, two pills) for an invasive procedure. I was a little worried about the possible side effect of diarrhea, but so far no signs. I can really do without it - I made sure to take metamusil the last few days again and it's evening things out. I need to never stop taking it, really. Good ol' Fiber! 

After my cleaning, I went to get MIss Lexi - they had wanted to put a feeding tube in and have me (and her) deal with tat - but no. I couldn't get them to  understand that she DOES eat a bit, and I make sure to give her wet food 2-3 times a day, but we opted not to do the tube - very expensive, anyway... and Janet (for whom I originally fostered Lexi and Maia) brought me soem good "Smelly" whole seafood canned food, and helped me get the carrier ip the stairs time time - I was very grateful! I carried it up myself Monday and it was a little tough. 
Lexi wasn't happy at having been there all day, or the car ride, but shortly after arriving home, forgave me enough to come out and ask for food - in the span of about an hour, she at about one and a half mini-cans of tuna/rice/crab cat food!! She's keeping it down and seems happy! 
This is great news - it seems that the lack of appetite and not eating enough has had a bad effect on her liver, and the more I can get her to eat, apparently the better and more quickly this will heal. Well, between the appetite stimulant which really worked, sub-q fluids and the prednisone I need to give her for the next 13 days, I have a very good feeling about her getting better - and I just can't imagine what misery the feeding tube would have been for Lexi and me - and probably Maia, too! And being gone most of every day - just not a good idea. 

I also crawled into bed and took about a two hour nap. Somewhere between the lack f sleep and the antibiotic (Maybe?) I was just beat. I'm prety stiff tonight because Again, I wasn't very active tonight, so I did do the first part of my PT in my chair in the lving room to make the routine shorter once I'm in bed, and one hopes, get to sleep quickly. 
I have rehearsal tomorrow evening. I could use another nap, but such is a life of a theatre practitioner! Especially when you CAN Practice it again. 

I left this note in a friend's inbox: 
"Today at my dentist's office, i noticed one of the office staff limping *just so*. Only on one side, but once you know it, you really see it. She heard me telling the doc how well my hips are doing (He's also a friend and had seen me when things were bad), and caught up with me in the lobby to say," i need to do that!" . She was just waiting for her insurance to kick in. I was able to give her sm e good updated information on how well they work, how long the new joints last these days( mine are rated for 20+ years) and how effective and life changing it is, pretty much immediately. I suggested Sutter if they are available on her insurance plan, and told her about the anterior approach and its advantages. This is just making me so happy, Jt! It's like people who need new hips are just coming out of the woodwork around me, and I can help them deal with it and not be afraid to get themselves better. I know that having someone at work who had just undergone the procedure about 2-3 months ahead of me was just a great help in alleviating my concerns, and it just thrills me to be able to pay hat forward. Also- wtf, with so MANY people's hips going south on them?! Mine was a birth defect, but - man, what is the deal?!"

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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!