A short day at work due to the ol' Shin Divot wound care appointment. And such a good report I received! last week Jef in Wound Care said I would probably be ready to take the bandage off this week, but I thought, probably two...
Sunday was the day I was scheduled to change the dressing, and though it was doing well, and there was no drainage, it was still about the size of watermelon seed (though less deep by far).
SO yesterday, they didn't even measure it! it just a small pink spot left in the middle of the now-scar, and was granulated (has grown a thin skin over it). HURRAH! Jeff dressed it, this time with one more wee touch of silver nitrate, and then a piece of fine mesh coated with medical silver, which is apparently very helpful in wound healing. the mesh also helps the healing tissue texture to heal like the skin around it.
Interesting!! Over that, he placed a bit of foam padding and a thin clear sticky plastic film (a bit like Nexcare bandage).
Back on with the compression stocking for good measure, and he told me to uncover it next Tuesday, and then it's my choice - if I am happy with the healing, we're DONE! If I was not, go ahead and keep the Wednesday appointment.
It shoudl be a bit dry and flaky for abit as the skin regenerates and sloughs, but the care is pretty much wash it and put lotion on it (and the coconut oil/cocoa butter combo I use).
I am delighted with how much better and more flat and less scarred it looks than I was afraid it would! It was full-thickness deep. to the muscle, and the edges were not looking so good for a bit, there. Now it's looking great, and already becoming the proper color of skin.
What a relief!
Then the valet at hospital (yes - everyone can use the valet at Sutter!) pointed out my very-low tire! Oh, dear... I tried several gas stations and non of them had operating air hoses - so I stopped at my mechanic's. Turns out, the tire was a goner - HUGE cracks in it!!
Thank goodness - he kindly fixed it for me for no charge... They take good care of me there - thank goodness, because I needed to get Miss Electra ("Lexi") to the vet -she hasn't been feelign well - again. Pancreatitis - tiny and thin, and not a happy bay (though not as bad as the first time she became ill).
The vet was hopeful - Lexi was puring and cuddling and even head-butting (things totally uncharactaristic of her at the vet! and she never even head-butts at home!) and scarfing treats...
Good news, and home again!
Spent the latter part of the evening talking on the phone about Portuguese poetry, music and people. It was delightful, and very energizing - and slightly mind-blowing, too.
Today I posted this photograph on my Facebook page - it's from last week, the day my Physical Therapist, Anne, "graduated" me - balancing on a foam half-cylindar with no hands! I knew my friends supported me, but a LOT of them still haven't seen me since surgeries... oh dear god - almost 400 people"liked" it!!! I am NOT a counter of clicks - I promise!!! - but I was really really touche dby that and the really kind and supportive comments my friends made.
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