I have't been sleeping great, so I'm pretty tired.. having odd bursts of intense energy in the after noon, and by the time i get home I'm just beat. I'll try tomorrow to just come straight home (No errands to run, for once). I'm hoping that works!
Yesterday after picking up a vacuum cleaner a friend was giving me (After blowing up mine the day before). I got it home and up the stairs pretty easily. Then when I went to fetch my phone I'd left in the car, I went around the long way - took the alley and cut the block in half, but the total walked was three blocks, at least.
Tonight I did 10 minutes on the Cycle, and a good bit of walking around Trader Joe's - not quite as good as actual striding on a good walk, but better than none.
Knees are a bit stiff and sore, and my left hip was kind of painful today - not just sore, but more pain... if that makes sense. It is extremely helpful having had the recent 3 month check/x-rays with my surgeon, Dr. Smith, because it confirmed that structurally, I'm getting mroe solid and secure all the time- the bones are bonding with the new parts - because, when I do have a new kind of odd pain or ache - and it happens almost weekly, a small different thing or other - I can remind myself that the Boss is keeping an eye on me, and it is nothing Dire.
I'm moving more and more, faster, with different push-off while walking, etc. It makes total and complete sense that bits and pieces are going to be freshly sore as I am freshly more able.
The fatigue is a little frustrating, though.
I did call a yoga instructor who is right down a few blocks and around the corner, just above my favorite gluten-free bakery. She has a technique called Svaroopa Yoga - it is more than regular Restorative Yoga, which I tried before, and I LOVED, until the mobility in my hips became too frozen and excruciating to be able to even get onto the floor, let alone hold any of the poses.
The instructor and I talked a while, and I think this is pretty much EXACTLY the next step I need to get my flexibility always increasing... it is only on Tuesday nights, when I can make it, but I look forward to when I can start!
This is once of the great things about taking the time away from the stage for the summer - I can do what I need to do and not worry about my rehearsal schedule or performances conflicting.
I can also likely find more time to spend with friends - most of whom are as busy or more-so than I am when I'm in rehearsals (ANd still doing the day-job).
I also am determined to get some dance training. I don't usually play dancing roles - the character roles I play tend not to be a part of dance numbers - but it was be GLORIOUS to be able to tell the choreographer, "YES!! You need me to join this dance number? Sure! I got it! "
Then in the Fall, I have a potential of at least three roles starting, to carry m through Spring!
Right - speaking of all this fatigue and such - time for this one to get in bed!
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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!