Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6/24/2014 keeping it Up, Moving Pianos

Pretty good energy today! strode around work with a good pace and used "Overdrive" as much as possible - leaning ahead and really pushing off when I walk. It works more muscles.

Power-sped (Walking) around Safeway  - and did 30 minutes on the exercycle!
I started vacuuming - the first time by myself since the surgeries - and promptly caught a scarf (The cat had hidden it under the couch) in the vacuum, breaking the (brand-new) rotor belt. Dammit!
Oh, well, the hall is cat-hair free!

Worked on some Fado music... medicated the cat...

Also... I forgot to mention this about the self-defense class I took on Saturday.

I helped move a baby grand piano. :)
Mariam told me, "Don't be a hero!!" But I would not have done it if I didn't think it was safe. There was a little stress on my frame, but if it have been bad, I would have stopped - not problem at ALL! not then, not after, not now!

I haven't helped move ANYTHING of weight in so long I cannot even remember! It made me feel so useless for things like helping build stage sets (I know HOW to do that - I went to college for theatre and you learn this stuff!!) or striking the set after shows close...

 I won't do anything stupid - I WILL NOT! These hips are too precious, and I will not screw up my second chance!
And the best part was, people who know me and what I have been through, though checking in quickly - "You good?" LET me. No one freaked out.
I TRULY appreciate the concern. But oh my GOD it feels good to do things and be helpful!


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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!