Friday, June 13, 2014

6/13/2014 Moving Right Along!

Hey, hey!! Another good day!!  I am fond of them. 

I really am steadily getting my stamina back up and revving! Even though I've not had much sleep this week, it was great to walk around the office and really be able to pour the energy boosters on nd kind of speed walk wherever I was going - it feels so good! 
And she I got home from work, the evening was beautiful and soft with a perfect breeze - I got out of the car and instead of walking up to my apartment, I headed off up the block and turbo walking speed - zoom! Keeping very conscious, of course - no tripping, no falling. 
made it down to the corner and back, and headed up - pleasantly winded, but not out of breath by any means - a little cardio and some PT! 

Went to dinner with a dear friend and did some catching up - it never tires, seeing someone see me moving around for the First Time Since! 
They always have a great big loving grin for me - and I have one right back for them! 
Gearing up like this reminds me that I am still fully capable of moving on and up and doing so much more! 

Right now I'm having odd little spark-y, twinge-y pinpricks in my right thigh, which had a much larger and longer-lasting numb area due to the longer surgery on this side (5 hours). but those weird little phantom sparks are nerves regenerating!!! HURRAH!! I always note a litlle deep sore, kind of bruise-y spot underneath an area that is waking up - it's great! 
The numbness is not that big a deal, but it is a little annoying. I notice it most when I lean against the bed to make it - it is weird that I stop- and realize I've stopped because my thigh is up against the bed! I wasn't sure it would comeback - sometimes it doesn't - so that is just cool!
I really look forward to finding a dance class! 

More walking to come this weekend, and studying music, poetry and Portuguese... 

My friend asked me what I'd be doing with my evening the other night, when I told him I'd be up for a while.

"Oh yeah?? Doing what? Crochet? Knitting? Dancing a jig? Jumping jacks?"  
"Now that you can, of course!!"

I love that.

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