Tuesday, May 6, 2014

5/5/2014 and 5/6/2014 Sleep, Recording, Good Company, Healing, and Muses

Little sleep again last night, but for more pleasant reasons - fascinating and rich conversation with one of the Good ones, about poetry, Portugal, the history of conflict between Portugal and Spain... really fascinating! (until 3am).
This was after a recording session. We recorded the music for Cannery Row (My first show after my new hips). Good fun - it was for a Sound Engineering class at the college... They were respectful and sharp, and did a great job. Also, we'll have a recording of that wonderful music for ourselves now - I love that! Unfortunately, having had the flue last month and just now retrieving my full voice back from that, as well as these weird allergies I normally DON'T have... And the lack of sleep - made for - by my personal standards - sub-par quality to my singing.
There were a few bumbles and cracks which I can live with - the human voice makes noises, and that is all part of the song, after all!
It's the places where my tired and dry vocal chords wouldn't bend in the right direction to help me achieve a note or phrase which I sang with perfectly clarity in the live performances that bugs me.
It will be what it will be, and I know that I'll wince once or twice when I listen to it - but such is life. The last few tracks are the highest, and fortunately, I was warmed up enough by then and I *think* they'll be just fine.
I love recording in a studio - it is usually a very enjoyable experience, and to see the students learning this craft was exciting!
We got a few lessons on sound waves and how they carry and bounce around a room, ourselves!

The Shin Divot continues on... I honestly cannot tell what  it's doing, but I keep elevating it as best I can, changing it morning and night, taking the antibiotics and supplements meant to promote healing. Unfortunately- one of the side effects of the antibiotic is - constipation. Grrrr... well, I'm guzzling water and trying to remember the Metamucil.
I'm sure the lack of sleep is not helping. Thank goodness I have NO plans tonight, so I will go home (With one stop for cat food along the way), and crash. I MUST nap. My desire and hope is to then get up, take a walk and/or use the exercycle before dinner... and then get to bed at a reasonable hour.  Why I think I will be able to do the heretofore impossible, I do not now. But until then, that's my plan. Perhaps keeping focused on the aspect wherein it will help this damned shin heal may be the deciding factor. This is more sort of threatening that the healing hips... I have done my PT faithfully all along the way and eaten well, etc... those are coming along.. but this is an injury and not wanting to heal... THAT is a threat, and I will not play.

Having spoken to a couple of my poet friends last night, I realize I need to sit down and nudge the muse. I usually write poetry only when it strikes me (Sometimes like a damned hurricane!!) and compels me to write it. I have not developed the skill of sitting down and reaching in for it. It seems that since I can write in prose easily enough, poetry should follow.
Not necessarily, at all. But having recently been re-inspired by my Portuguese friend and the poetry of Fernando Pessoa, I have a feeling it's coming. I need to finish my Hips trilogy, now that I am the lion's share of the way through the experience, and detect it sitting there on the shelf, patently waiting to be written.

Todays was rough at work trying to stay awake, but I came home, sat in my easy chair, elevated my feet and promptly fell asleep for about an hour and a half. now's time for dinner... doubt I'll make it outside for a walk again tonight, but the exercycle is calling m. No excuses, girl. The blog is posted, no new material to learn or rehearse tonight (I already sang through the show twice today - I always do, every day of a run. Keep it in your bones.) 

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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!