Took the last of the anti-biotic for the Shin DIvot.
Every morning, every evening, it's change the dressing, wrap fro tow to knee.
I am already tired of it, and it will get more annoying as the Sacramento summer sets in, topping 100 degrees. We're predicted for 90's all next week. I rarely wear socks or stockings. Not looking forward to wrapped leg in the heat. Aka, "Ain't We Got Fun".
Got some rest today, got a few things accomplished... had a great performance of A New Brain. It gets better every night.
Sunday -
slept much later than I meant to, but rest is good. I was a bit puffy and groggy for a while, but no big thing.
It's Mother's Day, and though I am a single woman with no children, and whose mother died 24 years ago (and is sorely missed daily), I have ambivalent feelings about it.
The commercialism of it makes me kind of cranky - EVERY COMMERCIAL id for Mother's Day... Every store and restaurant assumes you are a mother and wants to give you a flower. FLowers are sweet. But I'm not a mother, and I miss mine. I don't regret not having children, but I don't have them.
Unless you count all of the beloved friends who indulge me and let me mother them, and all f the by now dozens and dozens of peopel whose mother I've played on stage over tha last four decades! So - I do feel very motherly, and there is quite a cadre who actually do call me Mamma as a nickname, and I confess to loving it.
My lovely, dear friend Megan tapped on my door not long after I got up, bearing a big beautiful bouquet of Balloon Flowers and a beautiful sweet card for Mother's day! She made them, and they were specific flowers - a purple and yellow iris, two daisies and two roses, tied in an orange balloon bow! she made my week, and warmed my heart!
I did 10 minutes on the exercycle - hurray for building endurance!
Then I took of my night shirt to shower. And discovered a charming red spotted rash moving from me chest and neck down my torso.
!?!?? Really?? Have I not have enough ridiculousness??!
I looked it up and couldn't figure it out - and then I looked up "Bactrim side effects"/
BINGO. first one, red spotted itchy rash.
and - flue like symptoms, cough, etc - all of which I have had n the last week thinking it was allergies, which I have not have in 15 years!!
AND - a thickened tongue - which I though was from eating pineapple, but usually canned pineapple does not to that, only raw!
Annoying that the rash would show up the day AFTER I am done with the course, but there it is.
It is not worsening, it's actually getting better. If it had gotten worse I'd have gone to the ER... but it sure was fun trying to deal with hiding it for the show with layers and layers of makeup and powder. Especially since my cocktail dress is low cut. So - leggings to hide the damn leg bandage, and lots of extra makeup to hide the rash.
Pretty. Acting is SO glamorous!!!
Still, the show went very, very well. Standing ovation and great response.
I see my vascular PA again tomorrow - and the GOOD news is, it looks like the Sin DIvot has finally turned the corner to improving!
At least the surface / edges of the wound have flattened they were swollen, or sort of raised up, even without the rest of the leg swelling. It's flat with the rest of the leg now... good news! So just maybe the bandage will be gone before the height of the summer.
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