Friday, May 16, 2014

5/15/2014 Ups and Downs. Really?!

Well, it's a mixed day. 
Great news - the Shin Divot is definitely  healing - there is a pebbled quality to the healing surface that you want to look for.  It heals from the "floor" pf the wound up, of course. And it's there!!
I have an appointment with the wound care specialist Monday... I don't think I'm going to need to go weekly, because I *think* I'm taking proper care of it. I hope to get a decent quantity of supplies, because you cannot buy the texture of ace bandage - a bit thinner, stretchier, with velcro strips instead of those hideous treacherous barbed clips (which you cannot wear to bed for danger of severe skin damage, and that would really be defeating the purpose, don't you think?). We'll see - but I am DEFINITELY seeing actual, faster healing now. And WITHOUT the additional course of antibiotics! Hurrah! (Knock wood). 

But - so then - I volunteered to help with Box Office for my friend's beautiful production of the Virginia Woolf story "Orlando". That means a free ticket, as well - I appreciate the barter system of comps in theatre. Run front of house, see the show for free! 
No problem. 
So,,, I walk on out to the car, lots of time to spare... but somehow, I step - funny. I didn't trip, or stumble, or step oddly... I was just freakin' walking. ANd my Left Knee suddenly goes, "GINK*!!!
What I did, or how - I do not know, but I'm really pissed. my left  knee is my BETTER knee!!! no stress since the first surgery - the right knee has suffered bursitis from holding up my whole frame while my hips couldn't - but not the LEFT ONE! 
It was sore the whole evening - but the REALLY crappy thing, is that it makes me LIMP. 
I have not had a limp in months!!!!! 
And it would be no big deal, but for the fact that I have three performances this weekend.  Including steps. Only two at a time, but I have to go up twice, - not that bad - and down twice - OUCH!!! 
W. T . Actual. F?!? 
Sorry - but I'm really not amused about this. I think it's a small temporary thing - I iced it tonight and it was a little better... but I think no exercycle would be prudent until it stops hurting. 

This needs to be done. 
The hips are a little sore, due to not getting the work they need. And THEY are what I should be focusing on!!! 

Moving on... very gingerly. 

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