Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nerves/feelings returning...

One thing that is a common occurrence with Anterior Hip Replacement surgery , which they are very clear to tell you, is that there is a swath of numbness after the surgery, Mine for this first round is not at the incision site, rather to its left, starting about half an inch from the incision and about 3-4 inches wide, and starting about 3" above my knee and extending about 8-9' up toward my hip. It is odd, and sometimes it get a little bit frustrating,
If it is permanent, so be it - that is to me a fair exchange to have my life back.
So, I'll avoid sitting on radiators until and if it comes back.

But - I think it may be coming back. From my friend Christian's terrible nerve injury, I know it takes something like a good half an inch a month for nerves to grow back.
Not sure if that's what is happening, but I am getting few odd pains and sensations in places I haven't felt in three months.  In the last day or two, there will come a rather intense small-ish pain now and again. Nothing dire, but I certainly notice it.
And it is a little exciting to feel *something* along that numb outer-though area swath. I keep massaging it and putting oil on it in hopes of stimulating those little nerves.
It would be nice to have the feeling back!

It's late, I'm nodding off and I keep having to delete nonsense phrases I type as I am falling asleep at my computer.

and so - boa noite!


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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!