Sunday, July 6, 2014

7/6/2014 Catching Up On the Week... and Another Good Weekend!

It's been days since I posted - 
A combination of alternate busy-ness and fatigue. All self-induced. 

I've slacked on PT and exercise - not a good thing... but 1 - i feel it! And 2 - I also feel it immediately when I get back to it. 
I was a bit sore and hobbly until I got on the exercycle for 20 minutes today - immediate improvement.  

Monday and Tuesday were pretty uneventful. I walked some, cycled some... not enough sleep this week. 
Still trying to work on that. 

A friend sent out a challenge - to go through one's things and give away or throw out as many items as the date number... ie - 1 thing on the first, 2 on the second, etc. 
I am not great at doing this sort of thing - I lose track, etc. I do things at my own pace. 
However, my friend and I, in our conversation this week, talked about waiting to do things until you're ready... get ready sooner, or just do them, ready or not! Move along in life! A fine idea and suggestion! Sometimes I find that I am taking time off to de-stress, but sort of sinking  into ennui, a bit. Rest is great, but rest should I think, include activity - enjoyable, but some kind of being productive or even more, creative. 
Sometimes I just want to rest my brain, but it shouldn't be for too long. 
So, along with that, I decided to to accept that Toss Out A Day challenge, as well as a photo-a-day challenge. We have a group who became friends through a mutual friend's Photo challenge two years ago - neat people, totally different from my mostly-theatre (and Wonderful!) circle. any from the Deaf Community - ann eclectic, fun, and interesting! 
One of them missed us and revived the Challenge for July, so I'm doing what I can to keep up! It's fun and creative. 
So - so-far, I have tossed out more than the required number of items - you get started, and want to keep going - but I also want to pace myself so that by the time the end of the month comes, I will have 29, the 30, then 31 things to toss out each day!! (I'm sure I will - I have SO much "stuff! The result of being an actress/ DIrector and Props master all these years - things will always serve as a prop or costume or set piece later! - but plenty of it's gotta go. And it feels SO good when it does!) 

And so far, I have kept up pretty well with the photos - I need to post yesterday's and take and post todays... but that's not too bad. 

Wednesday was a fun evening - Friends Jess and Seth have an English friend visiting from Beijing (where she teaches). They invited me for a movie and wine/cheese party - it was wonderful! She is gluten-free (Coeliac) same as me, and she did the food. many amazing cheese, roasted figs, almonds, honey, gluten free crackers - and she made a GF Tiramisu! First tiramisu I've tasted in  -12? 13? years! delicious - and she sent me home with some. We watched the Grand Budapest Hotel - a Marvelous film! Loved it! 
And - I sat on the floor through half of the movie!!! it was wonderful - i've always been a floor-sitter and was quite limber well into my 40's (Before the hip-dysplasia reared it's ugly head and this started freezing up). 
I had to shift a bit, and the right isn't quite as flexible yet as the left (which is another reason I need to keep it up - to make sure it catches up!!) 
but it was great - such a simple thing, but I have always like sitting on the floor! It is no longer painful or impossible - Hallelujah!! :) 

Thursday it was a little going-away dinner with a friend - Moroccan food - delicious! - and theatre. "Maple and Vine" at one of our best lovel professional theatres, Capital Stage. with my friend Graham. Excellent work, a good night. 
Graham is one of my friends from Murphys, Ca, and a former roomie  -he was one of the people who stayed with me after my surgeries, and hasn't seen me in quite a few months - he was just grinning with delight to see me just zoom about! Not having to worry about how far we had to park, being able to carry my own things, etc. This never gets old! 

Yesterday was the 4th of July - as a single woman, I don't always have a place to celebrate it - I have an open invitation to any number of places for the holidays, and had a specific invitation to one - but this holiday isn't that big a thing to me... though I meant to see some friend's show about the Constitution, and got lost on the way - never did find it - but we connected for a wonderful indian/Tibetan meal at a favorite restaurant, making it a fine evening! 
I was thinking about strolling down the block to the annual open block party, but stayed in - it seems every year, as people think they have something to prove, more and more illegal fireworks are used, and later and later...   Very loud noise has always bothered me - so I was really relieved when the last series of either gunshots or Roman Candles went off at about 1:30 a.m.
  I am so happy that my kitties, feral-born and still fairly skittish, have no problem with fireworks!! They run ot the window to check it out and watch the excitement, Unless it's the M80s - that crap makes ME jump - I don't blame them for getting startled. 
No walks or bike for the last couple of days - but I DID finally get on the 'cycle for that 20 minutes this morning! The plan is to study some Portuguese and Poetry today, and also to get out for a walk in the cool of the early evening - I am so grateful that Sacramento, however hot it gets ( and it gets HOT- 106 on Tuesday this week) we get Delta Breezes - direct off the hundreds of miles of River Delta we have between here and the Coastal mountain range. It is heavenly. That's when I open up the windows and the kitties and I sit and enjoy. 

Right then... off to more adventures of the Day! (And delighted that tomorrow is another day off - three-day weekends are a lovely thing. ) 

Well, I definitely met my Purge Challenge  items of the day for five (and more!) 
And I took a most lovely walk at dusk! A record - arounf four full blocks, so eight sides of a block - 2?3 of a mile!! I kept thinking I might cut it a bit shorter - it's always ok to do that if I feel I need to - it was still a little warm out - but nope! I stuck it out! my hips were a little tired, but the  knees were A-Ok and my feet were a little tired -- but it was terrific! 

I edited a lot of photographs (I am woefully behind) watched some TV, and now, bedtime! 

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