I participated in a wonderful Photo project called Dysphoria - it is aimed at changing things - the idea that we can - and MUST - learn to stop judging each other's bodies, and that there is amazing beauty in every human. The is NO GOOD REASON to say cruel things about ANYONE for their physicality. NONE. you don't need to be "concerned for my health" because I am round. That guy doesn't need to yell out to my friend, 'Move your fat ass!" as he crosses the street. No one needs to comment on woman's big - or small - or WHATEVER - breasts, butt, or ANYTHING. Let's just move on, forgive all that and be kind.
There are so far 40 of us who have participated - from 8 to 56 so far as I know - and every body type, height, weight, etc. it was an amazing experience. Very freeing. there is a whole chapters-worth to write about it - but suffice to say, it was a great, powerful and moving experience. I love that I'm knocking down fears and inhibitions like a Highlander, here in my maturity! I can't wait to see the final resulting book and gallery showing.
What else? The apartment purge project is coming right along! Many things put away - about 6 times that much (about 6 grocery bags full) THROWN away! Hurrah!
Yesterday was a going-away potluck picnic I organized for friends who are moving back east - about 25 people came - even though it was over a hundred degrees in the park!!! Of course all of the park benches were in full, blazing sun - in a park FULL of great big trees! A good friend or two helped get it all together. So, a few of us did a last minute save and dashed home for tables and chairs to set up under one of those big old trees!
Lots of *wonderful* food, and one intrepid friend brought burgers and sausages to barbecue - in the full sun!!
It was a little hurly=burly, but turned out great. I made deviled eggs and a Plum/Apricot Crumble - it feels so good to get in there and work in my kitchen!
AND - I carried all of my food and contributions down those stairs and packed my car up all by myself - got chairs and a folding table down with the helps a friends granddaughter... and none of it was a problem, or a pain!!!
I was VERY grateful for the friend who lives nearby and volunteered to follow me home and help carry them upstairs, though. It was HOT! I was feeling woozy after four hours in the heat, even having drunk more than half a gallon of water through the day... it has been years since I spent any length of time in THAT intense heat. I actually like warmer weather now more than I used to, but 100+ is a little spicy.
A couple of friends have brought me beautiful organic vegetables from their gardens - i miss having a yard to grow produce in, and thank goodness they are so generous with their extra veggies! I made a gorgeous ratatouille tonight with a nice lamb shop,and all flavored with beautiful fresh herbs! It sure helps with the grocery bill, too.
Cooking so much good, wholesome food - having a fridge full of fresh produce and actually keeping up with it - cooking and eating it, and not letting it spoil because It's too hard to get around the kitchen?
HURRAH!!! Every single aspect of my life is better.
Another friend - actually a new one, with whom I was connected on Facebook by a mutual friend - had her hip replaced this afternoon - she's settled into her room, they're adjusting her meds - as happens on that first evening after surgery - and she has a good roomie! Hurrah, and welcome to the Other Side of it, Caryn!! Here you are, safely in the land of "It only gets better from here!" I am so excited for you!
That's the main gist for now! more soon!
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