Wednesday, October 30, 2013



I LIKE it - it's FUN!

But a couple of things..
At work, because I do theatre, they expect me to dress up, and be very clever about it. I used to - there were some memorable ones... it's in the details, and since I am a costumer and a props master in addition to acting, directing, etc., I tend to have resources.

But. It can be a bit of a "busman's holiday" (the bus driver doesn't take the bus to go on vacation.)
Actors - we dress up and put on makeup and use props all the time. So, especially, if you are in the middle of a production, the idea of dressing up yet again can lose a little of its luster. It can also feel like a bit of a chore. And there's everyone at work, telling you "You HAVE to dress up! "

SO this year, it feels very odd not to. I just don't have the strength or energy. I have things I could use in my storage area but it's been a fraught year, and there are quite a few things in path of my access to materials. Physically, I just can't deal with it.

I could just dress in SOMETHING to participate... but when you're getting around on a walker, no matter how fancy, it spoils the look.
I could even have built something clever around the walker (A chariot came to mind - briefly) - but again, that entails getting to the stuff needed in my craft storage - or getting out and buying things...

And then there is the costume parade, and then the potluck lunch ( also a thrill for a gluten-free person - I don't need to risk a gluten-bomb right now. )

I just don't have the spoons.

SO I'll keep my head down, and deflect the "Why didn't you dress up?!??" questions, avoid the candy (sugar makes me feel like hell)  and the kind offers to fix me a plate. I'll have a good lunch at my desk and let Hallowe'en go by, and watch the other costumers parade by this year.
Not a pity-party - just a safe move.

Next year, we'll see about Hallowe'en.

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