I am unable to sleep. It's pretty miserable.
This has been a low- sleep week. I know full well that post-surgery, the body needs sleep most of all in order to heal.
And yet.
I find that, as I am getting further out from the surgery, and feeling better, I revert back to some of my old habits.
I have always been a late- night person, never a morning person. Being practitioner of theatre probably has a lot to do with this. I like the night - I thrive in it.
But right now, I need to be sleeping properly. Three late nights have been because I chose to do something that kept me awake.
But some have not, and knee pain ( this is residual/radiant pain caused by my still-decrepit right hip. It makes the knee really hurt -even more than the hip often, and at night, it can really throb, even with a pillow crammed under it to keep it supported and bent.
Tonight it was both.
Two nights in a row I have gone out to dinner and the theatre with friends. If I can't be ON stage, at least I can go and see some of the excellent theatre produced in town, most often with some of my friends in it.
I have over-done it this weekend. Friday night we even went out for a late snack after see Pride and Prejudice at Sacramento Theatre Company. It was great fun, but I was truly exhausted from lack of sleep and work, then a recording session, then going to the Natural Foods Co-op to restock my kitchen. I can use the electric cart, and they bring it to my car, even - but it is still taxing with the right hip still in distress pre-surgery #2. (It is important that you understand that this is not typical of someone getting only one surgery - I am in the middle of the two, as well as having worst-case hip damage - this is my experience).
Then, dinner and the show...
The dear friends I was out, Melanie and Gary, with were kind and helped me carry my groceries up the stairs - I still had to use the cane between the car and the apartment, including going up 1 flight of stairs, and carrying bags of groceries is still beyond my ability. The help was greatly appreciated.
I fell into bed when I got home, and slept immediately. Up a couple of times, but slept mostly until 11:30 am. Still got up groggy.
Then Last night (Saturday) we saw friends in a lovely production of Hairspray, and then I watched Saturday Night Live when I got home. AND Iron Chef. Because I can, being a Saturday night, I guess??? I figured, I'd be nice and sleepy, yet I was wrong.
My right hip/knee has just had too much activity. It is frustrating, as I am excited to have my life back, but I really have to be cognizant of what I choose to do and not do. Choose to see Hair Spray, but NOT "dance"(as much as I can dance at the moment) at the finale, which would be hard to do!
I will have to keep part of my life a bit at bay until the total process is handled- two new hips, off the walker, and recovered enough to keep my energy and strength up.
Patience ... Patience... Patience!!
Until this week, I have turned down several social events, knowing I need to pace myself, but this weekend was too full. Tomorrow I have a planning meeting for a memorial celebration, and then there is a party on my calendar. It's 2 blocks away, and early afternoon, - but there are stairs up to their house - and no rail. And I can't get my walker up them. I can have a friend there help me up - but I think it is probably better if I pass. I hate it because it will be people I really love, and I want to be in their company.
Tonight - I have been trying to sleep for several hours. My right knee just kept hurting, no matter how I positioned it. I crave sleeping on my stomach, but my knee and right hip right won't allow it without a lot of pain.
Then there's the bum issue.
This is the TMI bit - I figure if I'm writing about this Hip Surgery experience, I need to be honest.
It's 95% incredible, about 5% crummy, and the crummy is temporary and WELL worth it.
After surgery, the Norco and its constipating properties, which also caused hemorrhoids, and a red, terrible painful rash akin to diaper rash without the diapers. Here it is, more than 2 months post- surgery, and though the constipation was dealt with (severe measures had to be taken, to avoid a serious blockage), the rash remained and still occasionally flares up. It is hideously frustrating, bring a horrid itch and burning with it. I apply creams and bathe it and all of that, but sometimes it, too keeps me terribly, twitchily awake.
For my next surgery December 3, I will be employing Metamucil several times a day after surgery. I will also have half as strong a dose of Norco, and try get off of it sooner that the week I took it for the first surgery. And believe me, the pain is SO much less post-op that I will not be under-medicating myself. If I need more to stay below a 4 or so on the pain scale, I will use it, but it is that good that I shouldn't need it.
And so here I sit writing, in hopes I'll reach the "Too sleepy to type any more " stage - catching up and reminding myself NOT to over do it this week (Keep some of those open evenings open!), and to do my best to get some sleep. Here's hoping!
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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!