Having had very little sleep this week ( I took a sick day yesterday, as I had a total of zero hours' sleep the night before) and over-done on the weekend, I am moving more slowly and painfully.
This is entirely due to the "Bad" right leg - I must think of a shorthand for the leg which hasn't had surgery yet...
Who would think that two consecutive nights of dinner and the theatre - with a walker - would be "over doing it"?
It's a meal. And sitting - watching other people onstage.
But it's also getting TO the restaurant, sitting on a chair that is unlikely to be comfortable to a crumbled hip (most are not), getting back in the car, off to the theatre... both times, even with disabled parking, at least a quarter mile from parking to the theatre and back again...
There's sitting for approximately an hour at a time with no chance to stand and stretch what needs stretching...
And I'll confess, as the second production I saw was a splendid production of HairSpray, the musical, I was up on my feet at curtain call and "dancing" - as much as one great hip and one immobile hip can manage to dance.
Then, a visit backstage with actors...
All of these things cost "Spoons"(See previous post). And then, the following days, there is pain, and a lot of it at night, hence no sleep. None of this is good for healing from one hip replacement, or preparing for another.
I had a good ol' meltdown in the kitchen last night. Too hungry (Slept all day to catch up, didn't get up to eat - unusual for me)... dropping things, cooking from sitting position, dripped hot olive oil on my hand while CAREFULLY (!) removing the sweet potato fries from the oven... I don't have the meltdowns as often as I used to pre-surgery, which was daily... but they are still no fun. Food and a few kind words from friends talked me down. I highly recommend that - patient friends. :)
I choose not to resort to Norco before surgery if I can possibly avoid it. I dislike the stuff - makes me woozy, dizzy, and the dreaded constipation, which I will avoid at just about any costs.
But there's the sleep issue, SO I got an over the counter sleep remedy. took half dose last night. maybe a bit better.
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Patience |
It's just shy of 5 weeks until surgery. It's been DRAGGING along - then I made a To Do list.
Nothing like a good To Do list to get time to speed up!
It is nowhere near the list I had before the first surgery... home prep is essentially set -
the accoutrements - the shower chair, hand-held shower head, canes, walkers (One for the apartment and one for the car, as I can't get one up and down stairs), grabbers, toilet lift handle/rails... etc.
but there are groceries to buy, tests to have, I need to get my sister dialed in to the whole process, as she'll be here for this one... Laundry to do...
A memorial celebration for my best friend to plan.
So many people to ask for help. I don't know if they are getting inured to my requests (most likely is that they are usy in their lives, and that is only fair!)... but frankly, I just don't know how else to do this. I try to spread out the requests, because I don't want to take advantage of anyone's good and generous nature. It's a balance. I must keep reminding myself that I would want to help any one of them if they needed it.
I simply can't do a lot of things just yet.
I need to be sure that I do everything correctly again - I worked so hard for the first surgery to make certain that there were no problems - nothing that would prevent my surgery from moving forward. I am much more relaxed and downright looking forward to it this time, but I must not become complacent. Taking care of myself is vital. I am - but I must remember that even if I feel crappy, I need to continue do my physical therapy. Just now the right leg is dragging down the left, as it not only has to heal and get well, but it simultaneously has to hold everything up and be the workhorse as the right one continues to deteriorate, as much as I am careful and mindful.
I must renew meditation, too...
But sometimes I just want to sit down and think nothing and do nothing.
I have exciting plans this weekend which include a visit from a very dear friend, Nan, whom I seldom see (She lives three hours away), and driving to Sonoma to see our favorite Portuguese Fado singer, Mariza - a long trip. Fingers crossed to keep it easy - thank goodness dear Nan has volunteered to drive. I think I need to give my right/gas pedal leg a rest.
After that, just a few small outings, then Thanksgiving, and I hope to keep a pretty low profile otherwise.
I am so excited to be better, that I keep costing myself too much. This is a really important thing to watch for - and this is me really trying hard NOT to over-do. Ui.
Not long now... plenty to do, but - Patience patience patience!!
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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!