I won't dwell - but here's a cautionary thought:
If you have a slump, you're going to want to do whatever you can to get out of it .
The more you walk and bike (Or swim, or whatever your choice of keeping your body moving...)
You MUST keep it up.
The more you do, the better you will feel, and you will be pain-free.
The less you do, you will feel like you'll never walk easily again. And eventually, you might be right.
It can be reversed quickly, but it cascades... you feel bad/down/uncomfortable to walk in the heat, etc.. so you don't go walking.
The phone rings 15 minutes into your 30 minute bike session, so you cut it short...
you will feel worse.
Trust me on this.
The more you can get your butt out the door or onto that bike, just DO it - the better you will feel.
I'm workin' on that part tonight. i will NOT waste this chance to change my life nad keep it moving upward!!
We live, we learn.
But the point is, to live well.
Get moving, my friends. USE those new hips, now that you''re got 'em.
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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!