Whenever I go in now, I see people on walkers and with canes, and all I can think is, "If you're here for a new hip or two, you are in for the happiest change of your life!!"
Dr. Smith was his usual friendly self, and he took a look at my X-rays and declared that they look *great*! Everything is rock-solid, and he feels really good about how I'm doing. A+!
As always he asked me how I ma feeling, and I told him about my last three month's (since our last appointment) improvements. He said, "You look like you've lost some weight."
I haven't weighed myself - in fact, I forgot to have them do it in his office, where the scales tend to be reliable. Mine are crap.
I told him how I am walking or cycling or both, most every night. He was glad to hear it, "well, if you're on a bike for half an hour every day and walking, that'll make you lose weight!"
My clothes aren't feeling it in the fit quite yet, but they certainly are not getting any tighter! I expect I'll notice it more, soon.
I forgot to ask him a few questions but they probably aren't his area anyway. We did discuss the "Antibiotics for every dental appointment *forever*(at this point)" issue. Oh well. I think they are not helping my auto-immune issues, but then, I don't want any systemic infections to cause issues with my replacements, either. So there it is.
We hugged - I really appreciate that a professional who has had such a profound effect on one's life has the warmth to be a hugger :) - and he said, "OK! I'll see you in a year!"
So it's on the calendar!
I came home, texted Mariam and asked her if she was available to go to our traditional "post-surgery Ice Cream at Gunther's", and she and our friend Eddie were! Eddie is having some pretty amazing successes as a professional actor right now, and it is very exciting! Eddie Ray Jackson... a very talented home town guy, and I'm proud to see him really taking off!!
Home again, took a nap (I've been up late knitting a gift for a young friend who is having heart surgery this Thursday) and the evening was so stunningly beautiful, I had to get out into oit to walk. No excuses about the heat, and I was charged by Dr. Smith's enthusiasm!
So after dinner, out into the evening I strode. I decided it's time to break my personal best "since" (since before my hips crumbled several years ago) and walk ten blocks. My previous best was 9 blocks, so I did a good, solid ten.
As I rounded the last corner near home, I saw the moon, GIANT and bright, peek up over the houses in the darkening neighborhood. I was happy i'd brought my phone and made this rather sweet photo!
It turns out I'd lost track, and tonight was the Harvest "Super" Moon. just gorgeous, up there hollering for attention!
Then home, more knitting, staying up too late. and that was a lovely day.
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Please leave me a comment - I'd love to hear from readers to see if what i'm posting has been of help to you as a potential hip replacement candidate, someone who is going through it with them, or just someone reading about my experiences. Thanks!