Thursday, January 5, 2017

Two Years Out 11/12/2015

On 11/12/15 about 2-3 weeks ago, people who see me regularly suddenly started looking startled and saying, "Look at you MOVE!!"
I was - a bit puzzled! It's three weeks short of two years since Surgery #2 - wasn't I moving along quite well last time you saw me - a month go??
Apparently not!!! I re-dedicated myself to sharpening up again - not that iI was neglecting, but - vigilance and focus are always the best things to practice. more stretching - siting on the floor and doing yoga stretches, back tp the one-legged balance and knee lifts and such - less sitting, more doing! But I am amazed! Better continues!!! My right leg is still a tad stiff - just a stiff knee when sitting on the floor, so not all the way relaxed - but I mean to work to get it to loosen up all the way!

I haven't had the Dance party yet - time and sad events made my friends' home unavailable, and I haven't really the budget to rent a hall.. but I'm still ruminating. Writing this, looking back over all of the amazing facebook posts at the time of the actual surgeries - so many emotions swirl in me re-reading them for the first time! Amazing friends and loving support -
see the last loving posts from my dear Deborah before she died between my two surgeries... Mercy, what a time it was -
"Time it was and what a time it was, it was."

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